I've very happy that Lent will be starting on Wednesday! A little background on me, I was raised Catholic however, do to all my moving around as a kid, I was never Confirmed. I stopped CCD after I made my first Communion (I was a year behind and did this in 3rd grade). Unfortunately, I don't go to church as I should and hope to improve this in the future. I too would like to get Confirmed, but I keep finding excuses to not enroll in the classes. Will also missed Confirmation - he did all the work, but skipped the service for a wrestling tournament. So, we are in the same boat. Speaking of Confirmation, my little sister is getting Confirmed this June & I'm sooooo proud of her!

As for Lent, this is a great opportunity to give up things (foods/actions). Last year, I gave up my two weaknesses - Sour Patch Kids and dark soda (Diet Dr. Pepper & Cherry Coke Zero were my addictions). On Easter, I packed in the Kids (as I call them) and I have only had 1 or 2 dark sodas since then. So, for Lent 2011, I'm giving up Sour Patch Kids again. I've tried to give them up during the year, but I always fall back and eat some. I can't cheat on God, so I will stand firm - at least the 40 days :) A plus side - maybe I'll shed a few pounds by not snacking!
I'm also giving up cursing. Sad to say, I have a mouth like a sailor sometimes. I think this will be the most challenging of all. But, it must be done!!
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