June in Review

Somehow, I managed to blow right through June without another blog.  So, here's an update on my life journeys in June:

I celebrated my 31st birthday!  It was pretty awesome!  Will surprised me with a trip to the zoo and behind the scenes tour of the penguins, elephants, and giraffe!!  P.S. I learned that the plural of giraffe is giraffe :)

March of the Penguins!
This is Scout - he was rather frisky - lol!!


Me and Sharon - I've never felt so short!

I know - I'm spoiled!! Will definitely knows the way to my heart - animals!! And Sour Patch Kids ;)

Then, we went to the local minor league baseball game with some fabulous friends!

Then, I took another solo road trip!  I started out at our cabin in West Virginia with family:

Sarge & Stella enjoying the river
Working the Kubota! 
We had tons of work to do digging the ditch for our sewer, water & electrical lines.
And I squeezed in a 5K
Then, off to Pittsburgh for a quick visit on the way to Indiana.

Got to visit my Pap <3
And, then on to my brother & sister-in-laws house in Indiana!!  There, we celebrated my nephew's 1st birthday and his Christening (Will flew up to Indiana to join in the festivities)!!!

Adam enjoyed when I used my vest!!
Helping me out with the HTS ;)

Love my family <3 
Birthday boy!!
We also did a day trip to Chicago for a Cubs game:

Will and Adam got certificates for attending their 1st Cubs game ;)
Then, it was time to get back home!  There we finally got to celebrate Lilly's 1st birthday!!

She liked her new ride!

We were home a couple days where I squeezed in my CF appointment then headed back up to West Virginia for the week of July 4th!!  Whew - I'm exhausted, but having a blast!!


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