3rd Quarter CF Appointment

Today I headed in for my 3rd quarter CF check up.  All in all, it was a super easy and fast appointment - yay!!

Last appointment, my PFTs had gone down some and I developed a cough that day - eek.  After 10 days of Cipro, I was good as new.  So, here's a look at my scores from April, June and today:

FVC -  April:105%        June: 99%        September: 111%
FEV1 - April: 94%        June: 83%        September: 95%
FEF25-75% - April: 68%       June: 45%        September: 58%

I'm happy to see my numbers are back up!  Still want to work on those small airways and get them higher than 58%, but I'm happy!  And so was my doctor : )

I've been vesting with the hypertonic saline for just about 8 months straight, plus exercising 4-5 days a week.  I do my best to keep my lungs functioning at their very best.  Today was also my last day on my Cayston cycle - woohoo!!

Happy to have had a great report!  Hope its as good or better in December : )


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