It's hard to believe, but Will and I are celebrating our 9th anniversary today! Am I really old enough to have been married that long? Guess, that's what happens when you get married at 23.
Looking back over the past 9 years, I definitely didn't know what to expect. I was marrying a 25 year old guy who loved golf and worked hard! Not much has changed as far as that goes. I figured we both be working, maybe have a dog or two, and just living life. I never thought I'd have the joys of being a stay-at-home bulldog mom. I never thought we would have a place in West Virginia where we are currently building a cabin! I never thought we would have as many adventures as we do. I'm one lucky gal :)
I'm beyond blessed to have Will. He is kind, loving, beyond giving, and brilliant. He makes me want to be a better person, that's for sure. I don't know anyone who gives so much of themselves to their family and career.
He definitely puts up with a lot from me. I tend to slack in the cooking dinner department (I much rather eat out!), I'll forget to have beer in the fridge (or ice cream), I get behind on the laundry and he runs out of underwear, I can be kind of messy from time to time, I never seem to answer my phone, and I never seem to completely shut a drawer. I know I may nag some, or be overly forgetful, but somehow he still loves me!
These 9 years have been the best and I can't wait for the next 50! So William, when you read this...know that I am so thankful to have you as my partner in life. I can't imagine living this crazy life with anyone else. I love you more than you will ever know. I'm so grateful for all you do to give me such a blessed love. You are the BEST!! Love you!!
After the wedding - going to gamble :) |
2nd Anniversary |
4th Anniversary |
5th Anniversary |
Celebrating last night! |
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