Been a bit since I've shared about my adorably perfect bulldogs. Stella had a "spell" back in January and her liver enzymes were elevated. We went back for a 6 week check up and I'm happy to report that all is well :) She had to have eaten something that she wasn't supposed to which made her sick. The only issue we have now is the shedding...its never ending. Everywhere I look, I see hair! You would think they are bald, but nope, still full of hair....which is going to keep shedding :( Good thing they are cute!!
Stella with her ball! |
Sarge hiding under the kitchen chair :) |
As for the humans in my household - we are doing well. I not only gave up Sour Patch Kids for Lent, but all candy! What was I thinking?!?! I have had some major sugar cravings and withdrawals. Its terrible! I didn't realize how much I snacked on candy untilI can't have it...although I'm fighting my urge to cheat, I'm holding steady.
The weekend before last I was a bit under the weather. It only lasted about 48 hours, but I felt like I was hit by a bus. I was stuffy, coughy, achey, and all that stuff...but, all is well now. I still have a little bit of a phlegmy-sounding cough, but feel fine. Its not interfering with working out or anything, so I'm just dealing with it.
Great Strides Augusta is 6 weeks away so I'm busy fundraising! We have $1,800 raised so far - which I'm pretty excited about!!
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