Crappy Day
My hubby is sick :( Thankfully, not the flu or bronchitis - just a stomach bug. Don't know if its something he ate or if he has a 24 hour thing. I may have had the same thing, but I think my stomach is a bit tougher than his - haha. I woke up around 3 with a stomach ache and visited the bathroom & felt better - sorry TMI! Then, he gets up around 4 and has it coming out of both ends - eww. He is the loudest thrower-upper I've ever heard. I bet the neighbors heard him. I felt fine the rest of the day, but my patient is still in bed trying to eat a few crackers now.
So, our day has been relatively uneventful, until I took Sophie for a short stroll through the neighborhood. Since we're on the topic of bowel movements, I guess I shall continue. My lovely dog decided she needed to take a dump in the middle of the road - joy! She came to a quick stop and squatted & I screamed "NO!" But, it was too late - I yanked her to the other side of the street where there is a vacant lot (thankfully we have several still in the neighborhood that Sophie likes to leave presents in). Then, a car came & ran over part of what was in the road and I just stood there while Sophie finished her business in the proper spot. Her present was right in front of someone's driveway and I had to pick up the non-run over part, so I went hunting for a leaf because I didn't bring a bag. Hopefully, the neighbors didn't see see me picking it up - I'm sure it was a funny sight!
So, anyway - that's all that's new here! Loads of Crap!
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