Amazingly Fabulous

Have I said how wonderful my family & friends are?  I'm not one to brag (too much), but when it comes to how awesome my support system is - I just can't help it!  The Great Strides walk is just under 3 months away - and of course I have been procrastinating in raising funds...its not cause I don't want to and I don't care - I just simply despise asking people for donations.  But, back to the point, I already have donations from some friends & family - how cool is that!!  I haven't even harrassed anyone yet - other then emailing last year's walkers & asking them to walk again.

And, my fabulous BFF is hosting a party on Friday (31 Gifts, Willow House - formerly Southern Living, Pampered Chef & Stella and Dot).  These fabulous consultants (which are also amazing friends of mine) are donating their commission to CF!  Again, how cool is that!!  Shopping & fundraising - fabulous!

Now, that I've used a million amazingly fabulous adjectives about my family and friends, I'll sign off!
There are many different was to raise money and spread the word about CF - and they can even be fun!!


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