As of today, I'm failing Lent. I have not had any Sour Patch Kids (despite my cravings and the 3 bags my Aunt gave me in Pittsburgh!), but I've cursed more than I care to admit. It doesn't help that I have a very bad case of road rage and people cannot drive. Poor Brandy, was subjected to my behavior on our drive to and from Pittsburgh. I cursed, I honked, I flashed my lights, I flipped the bird, I tailgated and just about lost my mind while driving. I'm sure I'm not the best driver in the world, but I at least have a clue what's going on.
I about lost my mind just running an errand this morning - any and every time I'm in the car, I'm on a mission. I am to get where I am going as fast as possible (legally and safely of course). I'm not just out lolly-gagging or wasting time in my day - I'm a busy gal and have stuff to do!
I don't understand how people ride in the fast lane when they aren't even doing the speed limit - MOVE OVER PEOPLE. The worst is that they are oblivious to what's going on - cars pass them in the right lane and they just keep on putzing along. Ahh! Then, you have the people that pass you (I am considerate and move over if I'm in the fast lane and see someone approaching behind me). Then, a few miles up the road, I pass them. I hate playing tag! I have cruise control set, so I don't know what their problem is. They are a hot rod until they get on the phone and can't seem to concentrate on two things at one time.

Will yells at me for my road rage & says I'm going to honk or yell at the wrong person one day...but I say bring it on!!! I bet my car is faster than yours :)
So, if your on the road and see a black BMW in your rearview - please move over :) Ok - thanks!
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