I've turned into a Bookworm!
I've been reading like a mad woman lately - don't really know why. I adore my kindle and I find myself reading faster - if that's possible. I read a whole book yesterday?!?! Don't know how many pages it was since the kindle doesn't tell you that, but I think it was a smaller book anyway.
It was Todd Burpo's Heaven is for Real and I loved it. Its a true story of a little boy that becomes gravely ill and he says he went to Heaven. The boy is only 3 at the time of his illness, so the things he describes about Heaven are remarkable and things he would not have known on his own. It definitely makes you think about what happens when we die. It reassured me that I will one day see my loved ones that have gone before me. Its a great motivational read that a friend suggested for me - thanks Allison!! I highly suggest it as well :)
Another book I've read is Sara Gruen's Ape House: A Novel. She is the author of Water for Elephants, so I was very excited to dive into this book. It tells the story of some Bonobos that are in captivity but can communicate through sign language & lexigrams. I've always had a thing for apes & monkeys. When I was little, every project or report I had to do in school - I would pick some type of primate to research. No lie, I know I had over a hundred stuffed animals that were monkeys/apes. So, I was very intrigued to read a story about an animal I love. Its a sad and happy story that tells of a Bonobo family and the researchers/scientists that care for them.
Also recently, I've read my first David Baldacci book titled One Summer. Another great read! Not sure if all his books are this way, but it was a very inspiring book about a man faced with an illness and the trials and tribulations he encounters after his wife passes away unexpectedly in an accident. He and his children have to learn to survive without their wife/mother - there are custody battles, new love and hope for a family dealing with loss.
Last, I read Ann Brashares' Sisterhood Everlasting: A Novel. It is the final chapter of the girls in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants...which I did not read, but saw the movies. It embodies a twist of fate as the girls have reached adulthood and secrets are revealed. This book made me want to go back and read all the other Sisterhood books, but I haven't done that yet...perhaps I will :)
Want to know a cool fact - I read all of these without having to recharge my kindle! I'm still on the first charge from when I got it. It lasts forever!!
I was stoked to see that Amazon is offering thousands of books for free - and they are the classics! I read numerous books in middle/high school, like Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice & My Antonia, but it was only because I had too. I've gained an appreciation for these types of books as I've gotten older. So, I grabbed some of the books I missed out on for free: The Scarlett Letter, Wuthering Heights, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, and The Gift of the Magi. If you want to pick some of these up, I suggest you do it quickly - don't know when the offer ends.
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