I'll begin with a cute pic of my angels!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!! |
Two weeks ago, on April 28th, Sarge and Stella had their bi-annual check up. It was perfect timing because Stella has been acting different for a few days and I wanted to talk to the vet.
First off, Sarge was great! All his tests came back just fine! His heart was perfect, eyes good, and he behaved for the most part. Boy doesn't like being on the exam table and he always tries to jump off. Then, he begs for treats! Crazy thing.
Stella checked out good to! Heart sounded fine, eyes good and all that stuff. But, we noticed she has been panting a lot more lately. Granted I know its hot outside. But, she's always been the athletic one and could run and play longer than the boys. She seems to get winded and overexerted way before them. To see her panting when the boys aren't is definitely concerning. She even panted in the office in a relaxed state!?! We talked about a few ideas...maybe an allergy or could be something more serious like heart problems, thyroid, adrenal issues.
So, she was put on Temaril to see if that helps. If its an allergy or reaction, that would help calm it down. Unfortunately, after a week, I didn't see any change or improvement. We were at camp last weekend where is was much cooler and the poor thing still panted. Our fabulous vet called to check on her and we decided to bring her in for some testing....to make sure its not a cardiovascular issue.
Will dropped her off bright and early this morning and I picked her up about 2:45pm. I met with the vet to go over the results. Good News - its' not cardiovascular!! Her EKG and x-rays looked good to the radiologist and cardiologist. However, the cardiologist said there may be some signs of bronchitis and pulmonary fibrosis. Additionally, we have not ruled out an adrenal disorder, like Cushing's. So, we will keep close watch to see how she behaves/breathes. In a month, we can take her to test for Cushing's...have to wait until the Temaril is out of her system.
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