Double Trouble

Our family will be expanding next month as we will be adding 2 new members to our household!!!  I couldn't be more excited!!!  That's right folks, its official that we are getting 2 beautiful baby bulldogs!!

Please let me introduce:




I'm one of those people that like to give people names to their pets.  Not that there's anything wrong with having a Fluffy or Smokey - heck, I had a cat named Smokey was I was little.  Its just fun to me to give them a more human name.  I know you are thinking that Sarge isn't really a people name.  I know - but I've always wanted a bulldog named Sarge...not quite sure why or where it came from, but I insisted that if we ever got a boy, his name would be Sarge.

I then wanted to name the girl something with the same letter.  Will wasn't so keen on that idea - guess he didn't want another S after Sophie.  But, I went hunting for the perfect S name for our little girl.  After a lot of googling of names, we came up with Stella.  Sounds kind of snooty - I like it!

They are 4 weeks old today and I can't wait for them to get here in a few more weeks!  So excited for puppy breath and puppy kisses :)  Not dwelling on the double crying, double potty training, and double the puppy mischief.  It will definitely be an adventure, but I'm very excited.  Our house has been very lonely since we lost Sophie & 2 puppies are just what the doctor ordered!!!


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