Call me Nurse Dana

The past few days have been busy...everyone in my house is on drugs!  I'm used to managing my own, but now I have a few more to worry about.  Will had his wisdom teeth taken out, so I'm constantly alternating something for the pain...its much better for me when he's knocked out - haha!  I've been feeding him jello, watermelon, and ice cream.  Thank goodness for our friend Brandy who made him some chicken salad, which he loved.  Fortunately, he's doing great and not having a lot of pain, thanks to my handy nursing skills :)

The pups have a skin something-another again, but different from the last time (for the life of me I can't remember what the vet called it).  Sarge is on 2 meds to help clear it up since his is more severe and I'm having to bathe both of them every 4 days with a medicated shampoo.  Doesn't sound too bad, but the soap has to sit on them for 10 minutes before it can be washed, thankfully they can't jump out of the jacuzzi tub!!

Well, its time to check on my patient again.  The good thing is, I'm getting some "me time" to read and catch up on my DVR'd shows!!


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