Thanks & Pupdate

Day 10:  I'm thankful that money grows on trees!!!! doesn't!?!  Oh well, nevermind then!

I sure wish money grew on trees.  Poor Stella has taken us to the cleaners on her vet bills.  We were there again this morning for the 2 week check up since her bladder/urinary tract infection.  They got a urine sample, thanks to her over-excitement and peeing on the floor, and it still had blood in it.  Thankfully, not as much as before but its still there.  So, they did an ultrasound to see if there were bladder stones, but nothing; then they did an x-ray to see if anything else showed up, but nope...just some poop in her intestines :)  So, they are sending off her urine sample (somewhere expensive) to see if they can narrow down a bacteria in her urine that is causing the problem or it there are any crystals forming or God only knows what else.  The results should take about a week to get back.  Until then, more bladder remedy meds and some baby asprin.  I'll pay whatever it costs, I just want her to feel better!

Sarge on the otherhand, is perfect happy and healthy!!  Perhaps pushing the fat side, but we are working on that :)


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